Air Quality Index (AQI)


Air Quality Index (AQI) is to report air quality data and air pollution situation to the public on each floor by reporting the air quality at any level Does it affect health? And how to behave To avoid health effects In a simple format that is easy to understand for the general public

Air Quality Index (AQI) is an international model that is widely used in many countries. But may have different names Air quality index measurement can be calculated from 5 types of air pollutants including

  1. Ozone (O3) an average of 1 hour
  2. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) an average of 1 hour
  3. Carbon monoxide (CO) an average of 8 hours
  4. Sulfur dioxide (SO2) averaged 24 hours
  5. Dust smaller than 10 microns (PM10), averaged 24 hours
  6. Dust size smaller than 2.5 microns (PM2.5), average 24 hours

Air Quality Reporting currently does not use an average of 24 hours for many reasons:

  1. Air pollution levels change over time, for example, toxic haze across the border in the south due to the fire in the swamp forest area that has been destroyed by oil palm and pulp industry in Indonesia. The wind blows up in the north, resulting in the air quality index in the south increasing from 50 to more than 150 in just 1 hour. Timely reporting will help people to protect themselves in a timely manner. Especially the group of people with child and elderly health problems
  2. Wind currents are important factors that result in increased or decreased pollution concentration. Latest at Bangkok There is a problem of higher air pollution from the wind flow. The wind is changing all day. Therefore, the quality index report will change accordingly.

The air quality index of Thailand is divided into 6 levels, from 0 to over 300, which each level uses color as a symbol, comparing the level of impact on health.

If the air quality index is higher than 50, the air pollution concentration value exceeds the standards and air quality that day will start affecting people's health.

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